Abundant Life
Baptist Church
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Abundant Life Baptist Church website. Whether you are someone who has little to no background in Christianity or are a long-time member of a Bible believing church who has recently relocated to our area, ALBC stands ready to minister to you in any way that we possibly can. While we trust this website will prove helpful in introducing you to our church, it cannot substitute for personal interaction. We would like to personally invite you to visit our services, get to know the members and learn more about the God we so passionately serve!
We would love to meet you this week!
Our Service Structure:
We assemble together regularly as a church with the express purpose of worshiping God and building up one another in the Christian faith. Our worship services are purposefully structured in an effort to worship God with the dignity and reverence that He rightfully deserves. Our music ministry is conservative and traditional in nature, incorporating the use of timeless hymns and newer conservative spiritual songs. Believing that God gave His Word in precise fashion, we primarily follow a pattern of expositional preaching and teaching through the various books of the Bible.
We desire to encourage families in their efforts to worship together and therefore welcome the inclusion of children within the services as parents feel they are prepared. A nursery room equipped with service live-stream capabilities is available for parents with small children who may need to step out for a period of time.
Our Service Times:
9:30am - Sunday School
10:30am - Sunday Morning Worship
12:00pm - Fellowship Meal
1:30pm - Afternoon Worship
6:30pm - Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study
We firmly believe there is no substitute for physical worship with a body of believers, but should you find yourself temporarily unable to join us in person, or if you are searching for a new church and are simply interested in observing a service, our Sunday morning and afternoon worship services are live-streamed on our YouTube channel.